The STS Logistic Code of Conduct is a set of important company values and principles applicable around the world. The Code describes the basic rules of conduct when performing work at STS Logistic and in cooperation with STS Logistic.
The Code defines the principles of responsible conduct in contact with employees, business partners and other interested parties throughout the value chain. All parties should treat each other honestly and fairly. All interested parties are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct, including all regulations and ethical standards. In this way, STS Logistic creates the basis for building partnership and assumes responsibility as a company.
The main element of the code are the principles of honest conduct and respect for the dignity of employees.
The principles described in the code are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN), basic labor standards defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the principles of the UN Global Compact and internal regulations of STS Logistic.
Economic, ethical and ecological values cannot be mutually contradictory. The goal is to combine the principles of rational management with the company’s social and ecological strategy, as well as to link it with values and the resulting actions. The entire text of the STS Logistic Code of Conduct can be found here.